This version, 1.2, of Roxen(TM) Challenger is distributed under GNU's General Public License version 2. You should have received a copy of the GPL License in the file "GPL" with your copy of Roxen(TM) Challenger. We have chosen to make a restriction, in accordance to section 8 of the license, that Roxen(TM) Challenger 1.2 may not be distributed to or used in the United States of America since it contains an implementation of the RSA patent (U.S. Patent No, 4,405,829). Neither file, nor the file "GPL" may be removed from the Roxen(TM) Challenger distribution. See GPL for further restrictions. Sweden has export control laws governing export of cryptographic software (SFS 1991:341 with additions, where SFS 1994:2060 is particularly important). It is clear that these laws cover physical export of software but it is not clear whether these laws also cover electronic distribution. 'The Inspection for Strategic Products' (Inspektionen för strategiska produkter tel: +46-(0)8-406 31 00) is the agency handling export control issues. Please note that these laws are currently being revised. We do not advise anyone to bring with him, distribute or export this software outside of Sweden, without being fully aware of the possible legal consequences.